Friday, April 1, 2011

Brown Baggin' It

Many moons ago I signed up for a "brown bag" quilt challenge.
Basically we were randomly matched and sent our partner
various fabrics to make a quilt.
Typically you send fabrics you no longer like
so it's a bit more a challenge for your partner to create something beautiful.

While I don't think the fabric I was sent is unsightly,
it is not my norm.
Dark,dark,dark and traditional floral.
I was allowed to add some from my own stash
so I tossed in the light neutrals to make it not so heavy.
I also added the 3-d roses to modernize it a bit.

For this quilt I finally used my AccuQuilt Studio.
What a breeze it was to cut the chisels!!
Love having it..
This was my own pattern.
I basically just cut a ton of chisels and moved them around
on my table till I was happy with the layout.


  1. adorable! What a fun challenge to be join :) I really like the flower touch.

  2. Nice! The flowers make it look like you. ;)


Thank you so much for your comments!
If you have a question, please feel free to email me at