Friday, April 29, 2011

Freebie Friday - Cinco De Mayo Banner & Free Ad Space

Cinco De Mayo is just around the corner! I know it may not be a huge holiday here in the U.S., but my husband's family is from Mexico... and well we just like to find a reason to party! And now you can add a little fiesta to your week with this adorable & free Cinco De Mayo printable banner.

I had soo much trouble finding the right angle for the pictures. They just don't do it justice. The banner is a ton of fun and won't take you much time. I just cut out the circles, adhered them down to a large length of brown ribbon, and hung it up in our kitchen.

Here are a few more pictures...
I would love it if joined you my blog if you decide to print it - that way I know you liked it and want more! Also it will help you stay connected to me and know about the next best freebie!

Now go have a fabulous fiesta and don't forget the margaritas...


Are you interested in some *free* advertising? Each month I will rotate 6 ads on my blog. It is a first come, first serve basis. Please leave a comment with your email that you are interested.

This awesome deal will go on till my blog reaches 300 followers...


Have a fabulous Friday!

Linking Up To:


  1. I would love to be are part of the Free advertising on your blog! We (several blogger friends) are doing a May for Me Celebration and this month would be fantastic.

    I tweet great blogs and a twitter friend retweets them too!

    I will tweet this too!

    Please contact me! Thanks! Marcia

  2. Adorable!!! Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna get busy making this... tomorrow that is!

  3. Cute banner! And great interview at Kim's Crafty Apple, I'm glad to have found your blog and plan to be a follower now.

    I'm also interested in doing a banner ad on your site, my blog & Quilties could always benefit from more quilting friends! Thanks!


Thank you so much for your comments!
If you have a question, please feel free to email me at