Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday - Personal Projects

I've kept a few of my personal projects under wraps. This past month I've been busy making gifts for friends and family for different occasions. I never have a good idea of who is reading my blog and I hate to spoil surprises. As the gifts are delivered, I will reveal the fun projects on the blog.

First up a sweet little onesie I made for a friend's daughter. I've been wanting to make this for her and I'm appalled at how long it took me to get around to it. Eleanor is no longer a bitty baby, but luckily she is still in onesies!
My friend is a huge Prince fan. If you ever want to get her on the dance floor, just put on any of his tunes, and out she'll go! In her honor of her adoration, I created a girly Prince inspired outfit. I used my Pazzle to cut out the the symbol on freezer paper. I then ironed on the paper and applied lilac fabric paint. Once it was dry I added some bling to top it off.

And what girlie onesie is complete without ruffles? I stacked on 3 different purple fabric ruffles on the back for a super cute tushie! I hope she loves it..

Next up was a free motion applique project I had been dreaming about for awhile. My parents have been considering getting an Airstream for traveling back and forth. I thought until they buy it, I would give them a mini version of their dream.
To be honest, it was soooo hard to part with this. It came out exactly as I had sketched it and I love it to pieces! Considering it was my mother that lead my creative path, I knew she would love it as much if not more...

And there are my crazy monkeys! The girls are so in love with each other it warms my heart. Isabelle would sleep in Juliette's crib if I let her.. The are super excited about Easter and can't wait for those eggs full of chocolate.

Juliette is rolling all around and is trying desperately to crawl (though she hasn't yet!) She just celebrated her 6 month birthday. It breaks my heart how fast she has grown, but we are having the best time with the girls.

And I've debated discussing this on the blog. I suffer from the over-share syndrome, so I'll keep this brief unless any of my readers would like me to cover my experience in more detail (I'm happy to share if it is of interest) I recently saw my doctor to see if I was suffering from post-postpartum depression. I've never battled depression in my life, but I had seen many friends and family go through it. Though I wasn't sad per se, I had a very short temper, my OCD was getting out of hand and I always seemed to be feuding with Isabelle. After talking to my doctor, friends, and family I decided to not take medication. I'm not convinced it was depression. I think I was allowing myself to be incredibly sleep deprived (less than 6 hours a day) and I had not been taking my prenatals and extra vitamin D (my levels dropped way low during pregnancy). Now that I'm taking better care of myself and have become mindful of when I'm getting too stressed, we are all so much happier! Granted raising 2 little ones is not easy, it no longer makes me want to run for the hills. It is like when you're flying in a plane and they remind you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you assist others... My oxygen mask is on and life is better..

Hope ya'll have a fabulous Easter weekend! And to all you Super Moms, remember that we can only be Super when we remember to be good to ourselves..


  1. Great projects!

    I have found exercise to be a great mood booster and temper controller for me. When I find myself getting frustrated with the kids too easily we take a quick walk around the block, it helps a lot.

  2. So glad you're finding a 'fix'....and I cannot wait to see little miss thing in her prince onesie! Too cute!

  3. Super cute projects! Love them and I'm so glad you're taking care of YOU! We kinda like ya, you know? ;)

  4. How close together in age are your children? Mine were 21 months apart and keeping up with them was exhausting. I was in a new town with no friends and a husband who had a new job and was "on call" nights and weekends. When I look back on it, I should have asked for help. You were smart to recognize you needed it! See if you can get a little time for yourself away from the kids once in a while. A short break, if only an hour or so, will make a big difference.

  5. I'm so glad life is better for you. I am always amazed at what you get done craft-wise when you have two little ones, but I guess that is your sanity.

  6. Eleanor loves her prince onesie - brings a smile to my face every time!!!!


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