Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WoW #16 - Details for #17

Did you channel your inner Punky Brewster? Mixing patterns can lead to great results! Just ask my toddler, Isabelle. She is a big fan of mixing it up.

For this week I tried to piece my first circle. Piecing by far is not my favorite way to quilt, but I'm trying to find love for it. The circle was a bit fiddly,but I'm pretty happy with the end result. In the project I mixed a few stripes, a few polka dots, and some batiks. The center is a fabric
covered button to pull it together. Oh and of course I had to add some free motion quilting in there.

What did you do this week? Kathy created some adorable spring folded fan flowers!
I think these would be fabulous in a vases all over the house. I loved the mixed prints and button centers.

WoW Challenge #17 - Mother Earth
With Earth Day this week, let's create something in honor of our home. You can focus on recycling, nature, etc. Maybe try your hand at gardening or find a great new use for your soda cans.

Want to join in on the WoW fun?
Submit your link below before midnight (MTN) next Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. I had fun with this challenge. I've never used a linky tool. I like it and it was easy!


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