Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chica's Cookies

I met my Bestie, Karen, when we were freshmen in college. She actually worked for my mom, so I kept running into her. We seemed so different at the time. She is so level headed and I'm so..well not. But she puts up with my craziness and maybe even loves me for it. We've known each for a very long time now (Chica, we're getting old!) and I don't often make her gifts. This year for her birthday, I wanted to do something sweet. I decided that I would etch her a cookie jar and fill it with treats. We live far apart and haven't been able to share a birthday cake in forever - this was my way of celebrating with her.

It is super easy, but I did learn some tricks along the way. I cut out the stencil for the etch on my Pazzle with contact paper. Now contact paper is *great* because it is cheap, BUT it's clear. So for your very first project you may want to use some dark scrap vinyl so that you can see where you are placing it. Make sure to clean your glass item with some Windex - you don't want any fingerprint smudgies!
Now lay on the etch cream - THICK. Much thicker than what I did. It is reusable! Just scrape it off back into the jar when you are done, so go crazy and lay it on THICK!

Let it sit for a LONG time. Like go do a load of laundry time. Whatever it says on the container, it lies. I'm not sure why. But seriously give it like 30 minutes.
Scrape off the gunk and save it for later. Rinse & dry your glassware.
That's it!
Fill it up with treats - and tada, a birthday sweet for your Bestie that will last long after the cookies have been enjoyed.



  1. That's an adorable cookie jar! For some reason, I had no idea that the etching cream is reusable. I've been washing it down the sink. #facepalm Thanks for saving me tons of money with that tip. :-D

  2. wow..great job!!! I love those jar!!! Its really nice idea.
    I love this post.those texts are nice.
    Thanks for this great post.

  3. What a cute little jar!! I haven't tried etching cream before, but I think I need to give it a try! (=

    PS Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Hi duder!!!
    I was totally going to post my awesome b-day gift... I can link it back here now!!

    Love it..
    Oh and we can set up a regular schedule of cookie deliveries? :-)


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