Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Never too Late to Celebrate

Did you wonder where my Mother's Day post was? Well we celebrated today, Happy Mother's Day!! My hubby always works Sundays so there are lots of time that we celebrate holidays on a different date than the rest of the world. I'm so lucky that my parents were able to be out here and celebrate with us. My mother and I are going to the Quilt Market this week as a part of our festivities. I can't wait!

My mother is truly my craft/art/poetry pioneer. She blazed many trails for me, and now I'm so happy we share many creative journeys together. I know that it special that we share so many interests. I can't wait till my girls are really able to join in on the fun with us.

Love you Mom!!
This is a scrapbook page she made that I just adore..


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