Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quilt Market Favorites

Even though I brought my Nikon with me everyday, there were a lot of rules on what you could photograph so I opted to not take any. We had an amazing time! Some of my random favorites from the show..

*Saw Amy Butler! She is super duper tall and beautiful. I didn't approach her. I never know what to say.. Her new organic line is amazing. I can't wait to make some baby clothes & blankets with it!

*I bought a slew of quarters from Anthology. Lovely color spectrum!

*Saw Anna Griffin. Love, love the Halloween line :D My mother and I found our way to her booth many times..

*I bought an autographed copy of the latest book from "Art to Heart"

*Basic Grey has a fabulous line coming!! Flowers, buttons, and more..

*My mom had a nice chat with Anne from Bunny Hill. I love it when designers are so wonderful to us fans.

*I literally ran to Cluck Cluck Sew's booth. It's possible I might have shoved people too.. Sorry, but it was worth it :D

*Totally knocked out by the holiday stitchery at Crabapple Hill!

*Some fabulous new pin cushion designs by Maw-Bell.

*I adore Pine Mountain Designs! Did you know they own Pine Needle in Gardner Village? One of my favorite shops in the state.

So much more..The booths by Moda and Riley Blake were phenomenal... Bought a new huge stack of quarters in the Cosmo Cricket line.

So many beautiful fabrics, creative patterns, and amazing designers.

Dare I say it? I was inspired to move down a new path..

I'll be releasing my first pattern this month :D Lots more details to come...

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, it was a fun quilt market, wasn't it! I snicker at your comment about Amy Butler. I was intimidated by her greatness too...but I did decide to stop and talk with her, and I was so glad I did. She is a marvelous, warm, genuine kind, and sharing person. I was truly delighted by her, and her knowledge of the industry. She has such a presence in the fabric market, and it is so nice to know that such a nice person has seen so much success. So...if you ever see Amy again, don't hesitate to stop and chat. You will be glad you did, it will be the highlight of your show. Good luck with your pattern making business! Of all my creative niches...the quilt market is my passion now too. I wish you the best in all your endeavors.


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