Sunday, June 5, 2011

Litte Red

I can not say enough good things about Little Red! I didn't train as much as I wanted to and I only recently bought my bike, but I did awesome. I wasn't first, but I wasn't last. The race route is beyond beautiful. Isabelle was pretty heartbroken she couldn't ride with me, and there were so many times on my ride I wished my family was there to see some animal or enjoy the scenery. My only regret is that I didn't choose a longer race. There is always next year and I'm researching more events this summer/ fall.

The first week of July, I'm doing the Dirty Girl Run with a good friend. Isabelle is pretty tickled over the idea of watching mom run in mud :P
Those are the cutest cheerleaders anyone could ask for! And my dear, supportive husband had a bouquet of flowers and kiss waiting for me at the finish line. I know.. I'm a lucky one!


  1. You are a winner before you even start with that crew!

  2. Aww very sweet kids! Congrats on your race...participating is the most important.

    Hope to c u soon on my blog :)



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