Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Candy Tree Skirt

My girls have this adorable table top pink Christmas tree -
it's fanciful and so them!

Come see how I decked the halls with a


  1. Just got my daughter a sewing machine for her birthday and we are chomping at the bit for a project to do. This looks perfect :) Thanks!

  2. I like the polka dots. I found you by searching for mug rug do you put them together, is it regular batting? Thanks, Beth

  3. Thank you so much! I would LOVE to see any skirts made from the pattern.

    @MindingMomma When I make a mug rug, I typically make them 8x11 - ample size for cup and treat. You will make basically a mini quilt sandwich - back,batting,top. I quilt it and then bind it. If you have a question about a certain step, drop me a line at and we can talk about it! Thanks!! =o)


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