Sunday, August 26, 2012

Getting Ready For School

We had so much fun today, enjoying the last bit of summer before school starts tomorrow. From playing on the slip n slide to bubbles on the deck. This summer has flown by - it's amazing how much faster time flies with each passing year. *Sigh*

Hubby was all set to take Kiddo out on their annual backpack shopping trip, but she declined. She's still totally in love with her Dora one from last year. So I spent that little bit of extra money on someone that could use a treat right now too.. Kiddo's teacher!

I saw this incredible gift basket idea on Pinterest from Serenity Now. My items are a little different, but very much the same idea. My basket is full of Clorox wipes, hand wipes, tissues, Airborne (preschoolers are germ factories!!), some chocolate bars, and more.

My favorite part of the basket though is the getting to know you form for her teacher. I saw *someone* post something similar to this on Facebook. I have looked high and low.. can not find the original source, so if you are them or know them -please email me and I will give credit where credit is due.

I love this idea.. I love knowing more about the amazing teacher that will be spending mornings with my Kiddo. I love having a better clue as to what I can buy her to thank her later in the year.

Really, it didn't cost too much and I sincerely hope it makes her smile...

Here's hoping Kiddo has an amazing day tomorrow. And of course I made her something to wear.. and something for Baby too. And, yes I'll show you tomorrrow..

Lots of love,

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