Thursday, March 5, 2015

Irish Blessing - Free Printable

all things belle - irish blessing - free St. patricks printable - watercolor

Since New Year's Eve, I have been painting and drawing every day without (much) fail. I have posted almost all my work on Instagram and Flickr. A few people have asked about purchasing a print. Right now I can not fathom trying to sell prints while juggling my 3 kids and homeschool, so I have opened up a Society6 account. I haven't had time to upload items yet, but I'm hoping that by the end of March it will be full of watercolor goodness. In the meantime, I have a free watercolor Irish Blessing printable for you.

This printable is a 5x7 jpeg. I printed it with a laser on heavy duty metallic white cardstock. I love the shimmer! I hope this adds some lovely Irish charm to your mantle!

(For personal use only - thank you!)
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