Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tattoo Art Inspired Wreath

I love tattoo art. I don't have a single tattoo on my body, but I'm always fascinated by it. I know that for a lot of people it's considered rebellious..even low class. I think it is art personified. To think that a piece of artwork meant so much that someone wanted it etched in their skin - what an amazing idea. Maybe one day there will be an image that means enough to me that I would want it on my body forever.. I haven't found it yet.

One of my all time favorite tattoo images is the iconic "Mother" heart. And now I have it hanging on my door for Mother's Day..
Aw.. isn't it fabulous?? If ya'll want an in depth tutorial, just holler...

Today's Creative Blog
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Unknown said...

I think you just perfectly described how I feel about tattoos as well. Love your wreath!

La-Dee-da crafter said...

So creative!! Love it. I am like you, no tattoos but they are fascinating anfd this is so cute and so creative. One of a kind.

Lolly Jane said...

k that's too clever! and my hubby says over my shoulder "that's awesome!" lol, love it. thanks for linkin up! (:

Tim said...

What a fun idea!

Dannyelle said...

I fun Mother's Day idea. Almost as cool as a real tattoo. ;)
Visiting from TT & J link up.

Decor To Adore said...

Your wreath is adorable ~ I love it!

I am hosting a new linky party on Wednesdays ~ FALL in Love With Your Home. I'd love for you to join in the fun.

Have a very happy Labor day!


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