Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I know my ethusaism may be hard to read,
((Doing goofy happy dance!!))

I didn't even rank, but Taste of Home named
my pub onion rings as a honorable mention!
I received my free TOH Cookbook yesterday which was a happy surprise,
I got my complimentary issue of the magazine..
With MY recipe in it..
There is the mag

And there is my name and recipe!
As I mentioned.. I'm only slightly excited..
It is my first ever *cooking* related publicized mention.
After doing this for less than a year with a large maternity break,
I'm pretty proud.

tooting of horn is completed.
Back to my normal schedule of poopy diapers, ungrateful toddlers,
and large stack of dishes..

P.S. Did I mention I was in a magazine??

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Vseward said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so exciting. I'm doing the happy dance with you. I know first hand how that feels. I had a recipe published a couple years back in TOH (Simple and Delicious)with a whole page dedicated to my recipe! Woo hoo kudos!! -- Seriously excited for you! Keep up the great work GF! (P.s. you should be receiving the Annual Cookbook as a gift too, it features every single recipe published in the magazine for the year)

Vseward said...

Did you see the online version?
Hugs ~V

Jenny Rodriguez said...

Aw, thanks so much!!
I got the cookbook first :o)
I'm on a little cooking cloud 9!
Thanks for sharing in my bit of joy..

mamamuniz said...

Oh my goodness, congrats. That is really quite cool!

Sarah (Sew Very Happy) said...

That's super cool! Congratulations!

Jenny Rodriguez said...

Thanks everyone!!
I'm surprised at how excited I've been over it :D


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