Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Special - Hand Warmer Tutorial

I have been wanting to post tutorials for awhile now,
but just have not had the chance.
So my new goal is to post at least 1 a month
- a Sunday Special.
You will be able to find them again in the future
by either using the search engine or the keyword "tutorial" in my word box.

Today we will be making a hand/bed warmer.
It is still mighty cold here in Utah and many parts of the country.
This is a perfect sweet gift for Valentine's Day.
From your sweetheart to sweet Grandma,
these will be well received!

(2) 5x5" scraps of muslin
(2) 5x5" scraps of Valentine fabric
brown embroidery floss
embroidery needle

1.) Draw your embroidery pattern on to both pieces of muslin.
I just doodled a heart and "Be Mine".

2.) With 2 long pieces of brown embroidery floss,
back stitch the image.

3.)Take 1 embroidered muslin piece and 1 Valentine fabric piece,
place right sides together.
Machine or hand stich a 1/4" seam, leaving a 1" opening for turning.
Clip corners making sure not to cut stitches.

4.) Turn warmers right side out.
Gently poke corners and iron out.

5.) With a funnel, fill warmers with plain white rice.
You want these full, but not overstuffed.

6.) You can either machine top stitch the warmer closed
or hand sew the opening shut.

Pop them in the microwave for 90 seconds
for warm goodness!

Don't want to make them?
You can buy a set here

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Anne said...

these are so cute! and such a great idea for winter.

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

I've been wanting to make some of these since this winter has been so cold. Your warmers are sooooo cute!

Jenny Rodriguez said...

Thank you ladies!
This is super quick and such a sweet gift this time of year.
I hope you make some =)

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

so cute, a lot better than my old sock version


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