Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Juliette's Nursery - The 2011 Hot Color Honeysuckle

It could be said that I go into craft overdrive when I'm pregnant.
Something about the hormones usually makes me create
another Etsy store..
And with Juliette, I create A Quiet Stitch

Here is a peek into her cowgirl-riffic nursery!

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L2L said...

how fun is that!!! We just got our first house this summer and guess who's room I am making over first, lol. My daughters!!!!

Unknown said...

really cute nursery, I love your theme.

Unknown said...

Adorable! I especially love that whimiscal clock. Too cute for words.

Leslie said...

So cute! I absolutely love that wreath!

silly eagle books said...

lovely! my daughter is "juliet"--that wreath is so sweet.

Jane said...

Absolutely darling! I especially love the clock!

Unknown said...

What a fun nursery! Love it!

Jenny Rodriguez said...

Thank you so much everyone!!
It is funny, I hated pink when I had my first daughter. But now, I can't get enough of it with my 2nd..
Glad ya'll like it too!!:o)


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