Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Patience For Piecing

I moved from sewing 2 sheets of fabric together and calling it a "quilt"
to real quilting last year.
I soon found about English Paper Piecing.
Here is some info at All People Quilt,
one of my FAV quilting websites ever.

I thought it was utterly relaxing.
I'm not one for hand quilting, I like immediate gratification.
However at the time it was summer and I didn't want to be tied inside the studio.
I could make these sweet pieces on the porch with my husband
or even camping out in the woods (true story!)

And then it got colder and sure enough
my patience was kaput and these sweet promises
of a beautiful quilt were placed in a ziploc and shelved.

Now.. Iron Craft challenged us to make coffee sleeve.
I love coffee sleeves!
They can be sewn, knit, felted, etc.
I was stumped as to how to make one stand out from the rest.
And then I got an AHA moment!
(I love those, don't you?!)

My English Paper Pieces didn't need to die a quick death
because I would never, ever have the patience to make a zillion.
I could use them for a small project.
Like a coffee sleeve...

I laid out my pieces and moved them until I was happy with the design.
I machine zig zagged them together
(Yes, I didn't have the patience to hand sew them..)
I then free motioned them on to a piece of matching pink felt.
Sewed some chocolate brown ribbons..
And tada..

I have cleared out an UFO,
created a pretty unique coffee sleeve,
and made a pretty gift!

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1 comment:

Georgette said...

I've given you the stylish blogger award:)


ur blog is so cute!


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