Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Studio 5

Woohoo! You can check out the Busy Izzy Bakery St. Patrick's Day collection debut
on Studio 5, this coming Wednesday at 11am Mtn Std channel 5!
Items will be up in the Etsy shop this week!
There will be shamrock cupcake wrappers,
shamrock cookies,
and Irish Creme Krispie Treats!
Come on, everyone loves an Irish Gal!!
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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Orders Everywhere

When it rains, it pours! As soon as I opened up the Busy Izzy Bakery, Arizona Bride emailed a request for samples and forecast for this season's wedding invitations. And the photographers were in a shopping mood; I think I had a bundler purchase each day this past week. Can anyone say time for a nap?

I'm so excited also to report that some of my bakery items will be featured on Utah's Studio 5 in March! Woohoo!!

And I'm starting on a new line of crocheted wool diaper covers - perfect for newborn photographers or the eco friendly mom!
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