Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm Back...

I apologize for the long break. So far so good!
No cancer cells were detected and the pregnancy is going well...

Back to work we go!!

I will be making some changes to the shop this Spring.
I started my Etsy shop to fulfill two purposes
* to feed my creative spirit
* to help support my family

Lately I've started to feel like I'm losing the creative spirit part.
I will continue to offer the items that are currently in the
store and add a few more of that nature as time allows.

However, this Spring I will be moving into more
sewn and quilted items.
Everything from full sized quilts to fiber wall art.
I hope you enjoy these new offerings and feel as refreshed by
the change as I do..

For your patience and positive energy, I will be
offering a discount that is good till the end of April.
Buy any item and receive the 2nd item 25% off
(discounted item must be of equal or lesser value)
Please mention in the notes at check out - "April Showers"
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Monday, March 1, 2010

Medical Hiatus

My blogs will be on a medical hiatus for the near future.

The baby is safe, but there is a nodule in/on my thyroid.

Right now my hands are full with morning sickness, Isabelle, Etsy orders
and a growing list of medical appointments.

I'm still on Facebook with updates and occasionally on Twitter.

Hope to be back soon!
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