When Isabelle was born, I created a mini quilt for her every month.
Now that Juliette is here, I don't have the same amount time to devote to both girls, but I really wanted to continue with little monthly gifts for both of them.
For November, I knew that I wanted to make them hairbows with matching shirts.
My mom and I think it's pretty cute to dress them alike,
and well since soon enough I'm sure they won't let us - we have to take advantage now!

The hairbows were super easy. Just some felt, ribbon, and hot glue.
(My husband said they looked like the NBC peacock..husbands..)
And the tees were super easy too!
There is an Etsy seller that makes shirts with turkeys on monograms,
but I thought it was super cute on the "T".
T for turkeys.. and my girls are turkeys!
Want to make them?
Need help?
Let me know and I'll post a tutorial.