Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcoming Our Sweet Baby Tommy

At my last OB appointment on June 7th, everything looked to be going great. Tommy had stopped trying to come early and we were all hopeful that he would make his induction date of the 17th. I spent that weekend having lunch with girlfriends and was even spoiled with a romantic night with my dear husband. I had been reflecting on the knowledge that this was our last baby chapter. The last time I would feel those baby kicks, those private moments only shared between our sweet baby and me. Even though every one of my pregnancies has been difficult, it is still such a sacred time in my life. I had planned on writing a post on the 10th about how I was going to cherish my very last week of pregnancy. Tommy had other plans..

Monday the 10th was supposed to be a quiet day of running errands with my Mum and the girls. We shopped at Target and were parking at Joann's when I received an urgent message from my OB nurse. At Tommy's last ultrasound, he measured 2 weeks smaller than he should. It was time for him to come. We raced home, made phone calls and prepared for Tommy.

My sweet baby came at 38 weeks and is perfect! He is my tiniest baby at 6# and 9oz, but in the end the ultrasound was wrong. He measured average for his size and is completely healthy. Tommy is truly an angel baby - he sleeps soundly, hardly makes a peep and is just the sweetest snuggle bunny. It is fair to say we are completely smitten with him!

We've already had 3 professional photo shoots with him and I can't wait to share even more pictures of my sweet little man. Here a couple snaps I took of him on his 1 week birthday..

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