Thursday, April 24, 2014

Where Did You Go?

I never intended to take a break from blogging. Just caught up in the fun and mischief of my three ring circus at home. One day I looked up and it had been a couple months. My apologies!

In that time I've been working on projects for two books - none of which I can show right now.. boohiss! And I've been writing articles for Sew Somerset and Somerset Home - none of which I can show right now. I know, right?! But soon..

I did a guest video spot on AdornIt - a super cute, inexpensive and fun camera strap. The video should be up soon and I can't wait to share it with you. A fabulous gift for Mother's Day!

And I've been cutting paper..

Photo: Ok, I lied. Here's another in process shot - hoping name is not discernible. And I think I'm going to float this is in some soldered glass! #papercutting #atbpapercraft

Photo: Calling it done - will adhere pieces and mount tomorrow.. Will probably be listing in shop later this week for $45 for anyone that is interested.. #snowwhite #papercutting #atbpapercraft

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