Saturday, January 23, 2010

Local Etsy - Friday Favorites

My bad..

I thought I could get a day of snowboarding in at Park City

and be up for blogging.

At 31 I'm either too old or too out of shape to snowboard..

I feel like a rusty version of the Tin Man.

A day late, but here are my local Etsy favorites!!

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Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'll be back to blogging tomorrow.

It is Sundance Film Festival week here in Utah.

That means snowboarding, films, gawking, and partying.
(and usually in that order!)

Come back tomorrow for some local Etsy favorites!
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bring it on!

I have *always* wanted to be on a Design Team!

Maybe it's the desire to be validated, to be acknowledged, or something else.
But to be quite frank, I've never really put my heart into an entry call.

So I did this time..

Here is my "Angels in the Garden" entry.
The Design Team is for a company that sells charms.

It is my first bib necklace and I'm in L-O-V-E.
Not sure if I'd make these for Etsy since the market is quite saturated,
but who knows maybe you'll see more in the shop..

Hope you love it!
And send me some of the positive vibes,
it would make my 2010 to be on a Design Team!

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Local Etsy - Friday Favorites

I can't begin to tell you how sad I was to read that one
of our local Utah blogs is closing down.

Each week I would eagerly check to see if they
would feature my shop in their local Etsy favorites.
And I'm proud to say I made it there twice.

Now while I don't believe my tiny itty bitty blog
will ever be as popular as YHO,
I want to carry on one of their traditions.

Each Friday I will each feature some of
my personal Etsy favorites from my fellow Utahans!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Banana Split Felt Play Food Dessert Set by bugbitesplayfood

*Picture copyrights are retained by their respective Etsy Shop Owners
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

XOXO Giveaway!

Let's start the Valentine love early!

on January 14th.

How do you enter?

* Follow my blog (there is a button on the side for you)
* And leave me one of your favorite love related quotes in the comments.

Good luck!!

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Garnet Garnet and a tad more Garnet

Later this week I will be adding to the store a new and wholly creative line.
I will be featuring framed mini art quilt & fabric pieces.

The series will include the monthly birthstones, Zodiac signs, quotations,
and many other tidbits that interest me.
If you have a request, just drop me a line.

at only $15.00 it is shipped completely gift wrapped.
I crocheted it with a merino wool/acrylic blend fiber
and added black glass beads for the Lotus centers.

** Design is courtesy of creativeyarn
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Monthly Birthstone Projects

This year I'm planning on creating items each month in my Etsy shop
that are focused on the zodiac sign & birthstone for the current month.

I have a number of garnet & Capricorn items in the works,
that will hopefully be all listed by the end of next week.

My first item up is a ready-2-ship

$38 and ready to ship


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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Newest Item

I love dogs, I do..
But I have to admit I *heart* Cruella too..

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Trend Prediction!

I bet ya'll didn't know I had ESP powers, did ya?
Okay.. so I don't...
and I'm making this trend prediction solely based upon my new love for...
(come on guess..)


Here are a few of my Etsy favs..

Can I say how much I freagin' love the idea of tattooed tights?!
Perfect for us needle avoidin', but still tough gals..
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Out with the Old and in with New!

Hope ya'll had a fabulous holiday & New Year's!

I'm so excited about this new year!
I'm hoping to really branch out at the shop and learn some new skills.

And can you believe I already feel behind!!
Valentine's Day feels just around the corner, and I have soo many ideas.

For my sweet Isa-pie, I will be making her a special quilt
since she's become quite the blankie queen.

I tend to fall in love with charm packs, but I'm tired of simply
sewing them side by side for a quick quilt.

After Googling for some ideas, I can upon this adorable

It's just the right amount of different for me to
not feel like I'm doing the same ol' thing,
but it doesn't look like an all time consuming masterpiece either.

Should have some pics of it for you in about 2 weeks...

Please mention "Sweetie Pie" in your checkout notes.

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