Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Merry Christmas - Playing With Paperclay

I've been having so much fun with polymer clay, I thought I would experiment with Paperclay. I tried it briefly a long time ago and didn't have success. Too much or too little water and little patience or understanding. Well, now that I have three little ducks, against my nature I've actually developed some patience. I figured I would put this new skill to use and try Paperclay again. And yes, there is a learning curve. However, this is my third project with it! I'm very happy with the final piece - it's exactly what I pictured in my head. A little vintage looking, very prim and so sweet. 

These sisters are getting ready for Christmas and are wishing you the very merriest of holidays!

It maybe hard to see but there is glitter in abundance. The "merry" sign is decked out in a snowflake white glitter and the dolls' legs shimmer with a touch of silver. 

 I also have a huuuuge collection of different colored flocks. I added white flocking to both doll's mittens and their coat collars. Soft and velvety!

Even a few Paperclay ornaments on the wreath and lots of German glass glitter.

I will be getting back to to quilting after the Thanksgiving holiday. The mad dash to get all the quilty Christmas gifts done. However, I'm hooked on this Paperclay. Maybe it's because I had no interest in dolls as a child? I don't know, but my inner child is quite happy and eager to play again soon.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Playing In Clay

I had a huge surge in quilty inspiration after the baby was born. Last month I was working on 6 quilts plus a number of sewing projects for a book coming out next year. And what does all that sewing do to me? It makes me want to throw it all in a box and run away. I'm not sure why, but all that inspiration and work leaves me exhausted and in need for a break.

And then I had a great blog post idea, I was going to give all my tips on how to juggle children while pursing an artist career. Wouldn't you know it, the baby boycotted naps for 2 weeks and the very last thing I felt like doing was giving balance tips to anyone. Oy! That post is saved for a time when I feel like Supermom.

What to do with no desire to sew, little time to work and a desperate need for creative time? I picked up some clay and had a blast!

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