Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time Out For Cookies

I take my Holiday cookies seriously.. very seriously. I have all this coming Saturday blocked out to bake and watch my favorite holiday flicks: "A Christmas Story", "It's A Wonderful Life", and "Elf".

My daughter is still a little too young to make sugar cookies with, she's barely 21 months. I really wanted to find a way to include her in one of my favorite holiday activities. As if Twitter read my mind, I came across this posting about pie crusts cookies. And in my freezer I have an obscene amount of pie crusts, why I do not know..but I do!

This is the *perfect* baking activity for a toddler! It's low mess, quick, and a great way to introduce your littlest baker into the kitchen.

1. Leave pie crusts out till the are room temperature. Roll out very thinly on a lightly floured
surface. Pre heat oven to 350.
2. Cut out fun holiday shapes with cookie cutters.

3. Brush cookies with melted butter.

4. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

5. Bake for about 17 minutes & enjoy!

** 10% All Etsy orders till 12/15 - enter code "Cookies" in the notes to seller. **
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1 comment:

Stephanie Summers said...

I LOVE this idea! I am always looking for fun things to do with the kids when it's too cold to go outside. Thanks!


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