And I won! You'll never guess who I beat!! I beat that whiny voice in my head that wanted to sleep in, that wanted to slow down, that wanted to quit. Now I didn't win the *whole* triathlon, I came pretty much in the middle at 1:48.
My body is still pretty tired this morning and a bit sore, but I'm so happy I did it. It was an amazing experience. I plan doing 1-2 each summer and I can't wait for the next one. My true nature is starting to rear its head and I'm already hoping to cut my time down by 20 minutes, but in the end just getting your butt out there is accomplishment enough.
For those of you not super interested in my athletic activities, this was the last one for the season. Well unless I can pull it together and do the Halloween 1/2 marathon.
I hope you are inspired to test your body. You are stronger than you know. Go surprise yourself!
Congratulations! Love the "You'll never guess who I beat!" You ooze inspiration - I could tell just from the few minutes I met you in MN :-)
Congrats on your triathlon! What an achievement!
I found you through browsing for other sewers on twitter and I'm glad I did! You have such a lovely interesting blog and a great shop too!
I look forward to coming back and reading more!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Thanks so much!! It was a ton of fun and I'm much happier to be in better shape =)
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