Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. We had so much fun watching our children's excitement and awe. I didn't make as many gifts this year as I would have liked, but I did have time to make everyone an ornament. I can't not believe how expensive they have become and I wanted something a little more personal. I've had a collection of polymer clay in my studio just waiting for some fun. It was a great experience to work in a new medium. I'm not sure if I can find a way to incorporate clay into my projects, but I'm looking!

Here are my first projects..

A pink Santa bear for Baby.
She is insanely in love with teddy bears right now.

An Ariel Mermaid for kiddo.
This one I did without a tutorial.
Loved how it turned out ( though she is bustier than I planned..lol)

And this year was all about Star Wars for my husband - 
from the Blu Ray collection to a 2012 calendar.
I made him a Rebel Alliance ornament.

Did you make any gifts this year? I would love to hear about them!

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Moda Bakeshop Tutorial - Ribbon Candy Tree Skirt

I'm so excited to present my next pattern for Moda's Bakeshop! "The Ribbon Candy" tree skirt is beyond easy to make and it makes such a powerful impact. Seriously, my husband wet his pants over this..and well that's saying something in this house!

I did use my serger and ruffler foot, but I provide tips on how to work around those accessories if you don't have them..but I highly recommend both of those extras! I use them a ton in my studio and they make life lovely..

All you need to make this tree skirt is a Moda Bella Solid Jelly Roll, some felt, and pretty serger thread. You could seriously whip it up tonight!

Happy Holidays from our crazy, love filled house to yours!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh Fudge...

Oh Fudge.. I know it's been awhile since I posted and welcome to all my new readers! I'm sure we are all busier than normal with all the holidays this month. Whatever you celebrate, I hope you are enjoying this special time of the year.

Have no fear, I have been quilting & designing.. just nothing I can show right now.. Though I have a SUPER fun Moda Bakeshop post coming on Friday.

In the meantime, I'm busy wrapping gifts, avoiding crowds, and making treats with the Kiddos. 

 Heaven help me in 10 years...

So much personality in such a little body..and her baby sister is no slouch either. While we were making fudge, Baby was rip roaring around the house in her Cozy Coupe.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blog Hop Winner!

I will be sending you an email today to get your information.

Thank you everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the blog hop and have a wonderful holiday!
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Tree Outing - Art Ornament

The baby didn't nap too well yesterday, so I didn't get as much work done as I had planned. I did however, create this art ornament. I think it's my favorite one so far. We are truck people and have actually have our own big red truck. I will probably make just a few more styles later this week.

There is Valentine's Day items already appearing on Etsy and in the stores. It is amazing how fast the year seems to fly these days..
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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Patchwork Stocking

Prudent Baby hosted a stocking sewing contest this month. I had to enter - I can't blow off a sewing contest with a NEW, awesome serger as the grand prize. I had the toughest time being inspired though. I drew up a ton of designs and none of them really spoke to me. It's hard for me to dedicate time during the holidays to a project that I'm not crazy about. And then it hit me as I was playing with my fabric stash,,

Patchwork stockings are nothing new,but I really hope my take on it is a fun twist. I decided that it would be awesome to create stockings for my daughters that would also be memory keepers of the year. And this year, Isabelle became obsessed with knit, upcycled dresses. After winning one of Soren Lorensen Design's dresses. , she wore it until it was threadbare (and wears it still..). My only option was to make more and I lost count as to how many I made.

This stocking is created with pieces from a few of the dresses I made for her. The only exception is the giant monkey eating a cheeseburger. He was too small to make into a dress, but I kept him around just in case. Well Isa LOVES cheeseburgers (with NO pickles) and monkeys. It's perfect. I also raw edged appliqued an "i" on the foot of the stocking. She learned to identify her written name this year and loves to see her initials. Every detail of this stocking is with her in mind, down to using her favorite color green serger thread.

Not sure yet as to who won the contest, but I'm glad it inspired me to make this stocking. Isabelle was pretty excited to see it and insisted that she immediately hang it over the fireplace. And as a crafty mother, what better present is that?
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Sweet Bumpy Road Pie

Where Women Cook has a call open for “pieographies” – to tell your life story through a pie. My pie? My Sweet Bumpy Roada yummy spin on a rocky road pie. Rocky road is one of my favorite taste combinations and it is a fitting description for our family.

What is life like while juggling aspirations to be a designer, raising two adorable daughters, and keeping the home fires alive? It is a sweet and chaotic life. Each day is full of laughter, tears, ups and downs. Each day I am thankful for the blessings I have and work hard to keep it all together.

I am awful at balance though it is something I strive for. There are times when I’m convinced that I have mothering down to a science and minutes later I’m pretty sure I’m the meanest mom on the block. I’m not Supermom, but I do try to be my daughters’ hero. I want them to know that even though their mom spends hours of the day working instead of playing with them, I’m working for them. I want them to remember the sweet moments of their childhood. I want them to realize that even though life is not fair, the sweetness outweighs the struggles we face.

Our lives are bumpy and fraught with obstacles, but each and every day I see my children smile and hear them laugh.

Everyday is sweet.

My Sweet Bumpy Road Pie
(2) packages of chocolate pudding/pie filling
2 cups of milk
(1) 8oz. container of Cool Whip
1 cup of mini marshmallows
15 graham cracker squares
1/2 cup pecan pieces

1.) Beat the chocolate pie filling with 2 cups of cold milk for about 2 minutes.
2.) Gently fold in 1 1/2 cups of Cool Whip and 1 cup of mini marshmallows.
3.) Crush the graham cracker squares into the bottom of pie dish.
4.) Fill the pie dish with chocolate pudding mixture.
5.) Swirl the remaining Cool Whip over the pie.
6.) Top the pie with the pecan pies.
7.) Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Limited Edition Art Ornaments On Etsy

Free motion art is one of my most favorite things on Earth to do... Love it, love it! There is something so freeing about using your sewing machine to draw..

This season I'm releasing a limited number of free motion art ornaments on Etsy. I will not be making repeats - all of them are one of a kind. I'm not sure how many I will have time to make, but I am happy to take custom orders.

I listed two these week and one has already sold.. So if you love the Merry & Bright, you may want to act quick!

They are children safe - just fabric and thread. They are signed & dated on the back.
$15.00 - ready to ship internationally

Silent Night
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Quilting Arts Magazine - Feature

I've officially accomplished one of my bucket list items - be published in a magazine I adore! One of my quilts is featured in this current issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.

And what sophisticated piece of art made this happen? My quilt about never having toilet paper in the bathroom...
Yes, it's true - you can make an art quilt about anything and everything! Who would have thought that this pet peeve would make it to print..

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Quilting Gallery - Blog Hop

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Have you been to the Quilting Gallery? I joined this year and have had so much fun! I did an Easter quilted basket swap, a Christmas quilt-a-long, and was a featured designer. If you have any interest at all in quilting, you have to check them out!

This month they are doing a blog hop and I am of course participating! The best part? Every blogger is having a give-away! That's right!! Last time I checked I think they were up to 200+ bloggers. Crazy goodness..

And what am I giving away you ask? One of my Riley Blake mini tree skirt kits! My kits come with the all the fabric you need to piece the top, all the printed templates pieces you will need to cut, and color printed instructions. It's wrapped up super cute and would make a great gift for the quilter in your life..or you of course!
How to enter?
You have until midnight December 17th - winner will be announced the morning of December 18th!

Required First Entry
Join my blog (1 entry - please leave comment on post)

Optional additional entries
Tell me one of your favorite blogs on the blog hop (1 entry - please leave comment on post)
What quilting gift are you asking Santa for this year (1 entry - please leave comment on post)

And that's it! You have up to 3 ways to enter this giveaway.
Good luck and please continue on the blog hop..so many amazing quilting friends to meet!
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Tradition - Silhouette Ornaments

I'm a Disney nut. I grew up in Southern California and spent many birthdays at Disneyland. I love the rides, the movies, the songs. However, it wasn't until I took my first daughter there when she was 9 months old, that I went into the silhouette shop on Main Street. I'm not sure whose idea it was, probably my sweet Mother, but we decided to have a silhouette created each year for my children.

We haven't missed a year and quickly amassed a small bundle of them. This year was my youngest's first trip and of course we had to start this tradition for her too.
My favorite? The silhouette of the girls together.
It is amazing to watch my little munchkins grow through these little images. This year we had enough to decorate their pink Christmas tree.
Was there ever a sweeter tree? I think not..

If you aren't the Disney nut that I am, you can still replicate this tradition. There are a number of artists on Etsy that would be more than happy to create a similar ornament for you.

Do you have an ornament collection or tradition?
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Win Fabric!!

Get your attention??
We all know how I love Riley Blake fabric..
and I especially love fabric designed by the Quilted Fish!!

Super easy to enter!!
Good luck

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Riley Blake - Christmas Candy Kit

My kit for the tree skirt is up on Etsy!
It's $20, but for a limited time I have a coupon..

Enter "RILEYROCKS" for 20% the entire store!!
I'm packaging these super cute - it will make a great gift for
the sweet quilter in your life..
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