Sunday, January 8, 2012

Soldering Surprises!

I'm not big on New Year resolutions. I believe that life can change on a whim for good or bad, and it's up to us to work daily on becoming a better version of ourselves. And I have to admit that 2012 so far is kinda kicking me in the pants. But all is not lost, I believe I have turned a corner and am back with all engines blazing! 

While not a fan of resolutions, I do like to set goals. This year I plan on learning how to screenprint - we won't talk about how looooong I have had all the equipment and that it is all still fresh in the cellophane packaging. I also wanted to learn, or should I say relearn, how to solder. I tried it once before Kiddo was born (almost 4 years ago!) and then quickly tucked it away. When I had tried it, I'm pretty sure I tackled it with no instruction and was completely dissatisfied with clumpy mess I had made. Lucky for me, I recently met Lauri Grimshaw-Cox, an accomplished artist & teacher.. and lives super close to me! When I saw her Soldering 101 Class go on sale, I knew it was a sign to try it again.

There is goofy ol' me! I had an amazing time - I learned fabulous tips and really was pleased with my final pieces. I made a double sided charm for a dear friend and the soldered glass bauble is for me.
 That is what I took home with  me last night and I spent this afternoon finalizing my gift.
There it is - a long silver necklace with a Cinderella pearl dangle. I love it.. I really hope my friend does too.
 Here is a close up of the loveliness. I added even more glam today! I goofed a bit on the corner of the glass and figured glitter just makes everything better. I used Stickles glitter glue and topped it with German glass glitter.
A sweet surprise for an amazing family friend that could sure use some spoiling these days. And lucky for me she doesn't read the blog, but we love her anyway ;o)

I triple dog dare you to go try a new craft or give one that horribly wrong a second chance. And I absolutely recommend that if you live in Utah, you simply must take one of Lauri's classes. She is a great teacher and completely enthusiastic about helping you enjoy the process of learning.

Thanks Lauri! I can't wait to take another class!!
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PersimonDreams said...

so gorgeous! Nice work :) We have SO much in's a bit scary. I too have a screen printing supplies I've been meaning to learn how to use for who knows how long...

Lauri~ArtGirl said...

Thanks so much for being at the class AND for the post!

I have your posting listed on my workshop site


Diane and Kelly said...

Hi Jennifer,

Great post on the soldering class. I can't wait to try out my new skills.

I shared your post on my blog, if you don't mind. I have to admit, I've been kind of a lazy blogger of late!

Fun to meet you and the best of luck with the more burned fingers!

Second Hand Chicks

Fleur de Bee said...

Seriously adorable!!!! How fun! Wish my schedule allowed me to go! Next time! xoxo Molly


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