Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas Mug Rug - Thimbles & Threads

I was in such a rush this month that I completely forgot to take a picture of my actual mug rug kit for Thimbles & Threads this month. Here is a picture of the layout. They are only $7.50 for the pattern & fabric! A super cute project that can be used as a mug rug, candle mat, or mantle decor.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Candy Tree Skirt

My girls have this adorable table top pink Christmas tree -
it's fanciful and so them!

Come see how I decked the halls with a

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Thankful Advent

Want to learn how to make my Thankful Advent?
It's all about remembering your blessings!

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Dainty Snowflake

I know it's been eerily quiet on here. I've been working..nonstop..but I can't share most of it. Doesn't that drive you nuts when you go to a blog and they ramble on about all the great things that are coming,buuut you have to wait. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.

I will however give you a peek into my Christmas line for the Etsy store. My little Etsy store has been sadly neglected these past months as well. apologies. I do have some great little gifts in mind that I hope you will love. Dream of mohair dainty snowflakes, soft velvet, and some amazing linen. Yummmm..

Hope you had a fabulous weekend full of creative endeavors..
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Christmas Card Planning

Christmas cards are HUGE for me! We don't live near any family and lots of our friends live in other states. For me, Christmas cards is a sweet way to connect with those we love. I typically spend hours deciding on the right clothes for the picture and even more hours deciding on the cards. Last year I came across these new style cards that doubled as ornaments. I love this idea!

This year Tiny Prints has a huge selection of the paper card/ornaments. There are so many in fact that I'm having a tough time deciding on the one for us. Which one do you love?

I think this last one maybe my absolute favorite. I love the sweet angel image and I think my girls would look so sweet on that card.

Have you started planning your Holiday cards? I bet Tiny Prints has a perfect one for you too!
I'd love to hear what your favorite card style is!

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moda Bake Shop

It's up, it's up! I'm so excited to be on Moda's Bakeshop. I love Moda and it's a dream come true to be working with them. I hope you'll stop and leave my little quilt some love. It was a quilt that I had rolling around in my mind all year and ended up being a birthday gift for sweet Julie.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Peek-A-Boo Pattern Review

Awhile back I did sewing pattern reviews as a regular segment on my blog. My apologies if you miss them, but right now I just have so much going on it's hard to dedicate that time. However, at a blogger party earlier this year I met the fabulous woman behind Naptime Crafters. I found out that she has started a great line of patterns under the name of Peek-A-Boo Patterns. You have to check them out. Very sweet line!

I had the opportunity to test a knit dress pattern for her. You can find her whole line here at You Can Make This - this pattern is the Ashley knit.

Check out Kiddo rockin' one of her dresses for the holiday season - super comfy stretch velvet.

The dress was cut and sewn in a single naptime! I hope you'll take a moment to hop on over and check out more of her patterns. Tonight I'm actually working on a coat test pattern and will upload that post later this month!
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Another Toddler Thanksgiving Craft

I tried again to find a "job" to entertain my sweet toddler while I tried to get work done. I found a super cute Thanksgiving fingerpaint project on All Kids Network. Isabelle is crazy about painting and I rarely let her at home - just too much work with her busy hands and the baby. However I'm trying more and more to move out of my comfort zone so that she can learn and enjoy.

I cut the corn and stalks last night. My husband insisted that I cut some green leaves for the cob as well. Husbands are funny, aren't they? But I gave in..

On her own she painted the corn very similar to the original tutorial.
I didn't even instruct on what she should do. Love her orderly pieces of corn.
And then well.. that got boring I guess. We ended up with a crop of muddy corn! She had fun and I got no work done, but we had a great afternoon together while the baby napped.
And I have more cute Thanksgiving decorations. Granted they are muddy brown, but they are made with love!
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Feature & Giveaway

I'm so excited that this Friday I've been featured by the amazing Where Women Create.
I'm sharing a tutorial on how to use the Accuquilt system to create this fun
diamond quilt using Riley Blake fabric.

Be sure to stop by because...
they are giving ANOTHER Accuquilt GO! Baby away with 3 dies.

Good luck!
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Turkey Garland

The Baby still insists on 2 naps a day while I'm lucky if I can get Kiddo to be quiet for 1 nap. During the morning nap I try to work while Kiddo plays or reads. The reality is Kiddo wants to hang on my leg and have constant attention. It's hard to balance this. I want Kiddo to feel loved and have that special time with me, but there are some days that I'm so busy that I quite simply need to work. I thought if I had some dedicated crafts for her to do while I worked, that we might both be happier.

Early this morning I searched Pinterest for Thanksgiving inspired child crafts. I found this post on the blog, Chasing Fireflies. I loved it! I thought it would be a great activity for Kiddo and would be super cute as a decoration. I made a pot of coffee and chopped up Kiddo's doodled construction paper in festive colors. Now if you spend some more time punching holes in the "feathers" your Kiddo's life maybe a tad easier, but.. I'm lazy.
During Baby's nap I gave Kiddo the colorful stack of feathers, a skein of yarn I no longer loved, and a yarn needle. Kiddo is around my sewing tools 24/7, so I feel very comfortable with her using a blunt yarn needle. She's 3 1/2. Please use your own judgement with your kids... I showed her a few times how to punch through the paper using the needle and off she went.
Did I get more work done? Probably not. My leg is still the place to cling to no matter what craft is available. However, she did finish a beautiful strand of garland all on her own. It looks awesome and fun in our playroom. And I actually love that the feathers are from doodled paper.. looks more like us..
What was I working on? Well it's top secret, Peeps! But here is a tiny peek..
Linking up to: Tatertots & Jello
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