Friday, June 29, 2012

Vintage Fruit Embroidery

I hope you are enjoying the embroidery kick I'm on right now; I found this pattern from Doe-C-Doe's blog.
I used Valdani's Muddy Monet perle cotton thread and really love the subtle variegation.

With all the embroidery I've been working on, I'm trying to find new ways to use it...there are only so many tea towels and throw pillows I desire. So this sweetness was sewn into a reusable snack pack for a friend. I searched high and low for some sweet fabric that would not compete with the embroidery.

What's next on the embroidery line up? Retro, Baby from Urban Threads. I took the words off though, they didn't quite work for me. And what's it going on? Yeah..I don't know yet =)

I'm loving embroidery and using it as accent on applique that I may even add some items to my Etsy shop. My poor shop is crying for some new fun things!

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Puppy Heavens Are Full Of Cupcakes

A few of my most loved friends recently lost their furry babies. Around that same time, Bigfork Bay Cotton Company released "Party Pooper" - an adorable puppy pattern. It was serendipitous and I decided to buy it to make for my dear friends.

The first one is for my Bestie. I altered it just a bit and add lots of fun hand embroidery. I completed it as a mug rug- perfect size for a drink & cupcake. I hope when she uses it, she remembers the amazing life she gave her puppy.

Next week I'll be making the next one for another dear friend that lost her puppy a few weeks later. Maybe I'll make that one into a book cover.. we'll see.

So sad to lose so many furry friends this summer, but I'm sure in puppy heaven there are huge, yummy cupcakes for devouring.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Adorable & Easy Sewing Machine Cover

Lately I'm all about hand embroidery. I love how portable it is; I can work on it for a few minutes throughout the day with the rare moments my crazy girls give me. I originally started this embroidery for the 4th of July, but since I pursue happiness almost daily on my sewing machine, it seemed appropriate. And I loved how this line of Blend fabric designed by Charlotte Lyons coordinates with the patriotic colors.

The embroidery pattern can be downloaded here. I used 2 strands of floss for the pinwheels and a single strand for the grass and words.

This is a super easy project and is fabulous way to showcase a piece of embroidery or some pieces of special fabric. You can create this with a few fat quarters and lengths of ribbon!

1.) Measure your machine from the bottom at the front to the bottom of the back (as seen in picture below), my machine measured in at 27". You will also need to measure the width of your machine, mine was 18".

2.) We will now cut the fabric for the inside of the sewing cover. Cut your desired fabric a 1/2 larger than each measurement you just calculated. So, my inside fabric was cut 27.5" x 18.5". I choose to use muslin fabric, but you can create this to be a reversible cover.

3.) The back of my fabric was a single piece of fabric - that was cut to 18.5" x 14".

4.) Now depending on your machine size, your final measurements for the front of your cover will vary, but I will show you my layout for your reference. The measurements listed include a 1/4" seam allowance and were pieced in alphabetical order.

5.) Once the front is pieced, you will need to sew the front and back of the top together (see picture below for reference.) Now you have a completed top piece that should measure 27.5" x 18.5"

6.) Before I completed the cover I added just a little bit more embroidery on the cover as seen below.

7.) Now we will need to prepare our ties for the sides - cut (4) lengths of ribbon 20" long. You will pin these 4" up from each corner.

8.) Now place the two fabric pieces (inside and outside cover) right sides together, lining up the corners, and pin every couple of inches. **Be sure that your ribbon pieces are sandwiched between the two layers**.

9.) With a 1/4 seam allowance, sew along the perimeter of the cover.***Leave a 3-4" gap to turn it right side out*** Clip corners and turn.

10.) Give it a nice hot press and top stitch around the perimeter. Enjoy and pursue happiness!

If you have any questions or you spot an error (ack!), please feel free to email me at

I would love to see if you make one!
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer of Vintage Stitchy Love

I've recently started looking for more projects that I can do with just my hands; Baby is not allowed in the sewing studio since she became a mini tornado of energy. I'm working more with embroidery and love following Feeling Stitchy.

This summer they are hosting a contest with vintage patterns and we know it's hard for me to ignore a challenge. I whipped up this sweet design posted by doe*c*doe and did a little crayon tinting.

I hung it over my window pane panel for pictures, but just loved how sweet it looks up there on my mantle. I think I will need to make a few more towels for a full display.

Are you doing any embroidery this summer? Later this week I will be posting a free patriotic pattern, so be sure to come back!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stitch - Fall 2012

Yay, I love posts when I can reveal a project! I designed these fun clothing dividers for Stitch magazine. They are easy, fun, and great for school age children.

Even in preschool, I would have daily battles with Kiddo over what outfit to wear that day. Now we decide on the clothes Sunday night and hang them by each day of the week.

Don't want to do embroidery? You could just do different colored fabrics and have fun with it.

I'm considering making this pattern an "in-the-hoop" machine embroidery project in a couple months. What do you think?
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day Printable - Mad Libs Card

Today the girls & I had so much playing with some friends that we haven't seen in awhile. One of my mommy friends mentioned a really fun Father's Day card that she was creating with her sons. The card had a number of spots for the kiddo to guess facts about their Daddy. That sounded like so much fun - kids truly do say the funniest things. I kept thinking about it and wondering what craziness Kiddo would come up with, so I decided to create a Mad Libs card and thought ya'll might like to do it too.

Here is a jpeg preview and you can download a PDF here. Have fun! Would love to hear what silly things you hear from the ankle biters..

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blend Fabrics

I have been a huge fan of Anna Griffin  for many years. My mother & I would sign up for any scrapbook/paper art class of hers that we could find. I was so excited when I found out that she had moved into fabric. We always haunt her booth at Quilt Market; it's always full of such loveliness and amazing inspiration.

At this past visit to Quilt Market, while I was fondling Anna's new fabric line, I had a wonderful conversation with Joe Spiegelberg. I learned all about their new venture, Blend Fabrics. I can't say enough amazing things about their lines of fabric. The designs are fresh and come from so many talented artists. I literally jumped at the chance to be able to work with them.

This past week I whipped up several napkins with the "Walnut Hill Farm" line designed by Charlotte Lyons.

Aren't these lovely? I think they would be amazing for a country BBQ or a spring wedding. Her designs are full of  homespun artsy charm. The fabric is a very high grade cotton and such a dream to work with!

My mind is busy with ideas and I can't wait to share more with you! From quilts to sweet dresses.. there is more coming your way..
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Bigfork Bay Cotton Company

One of my favorite things to do at Quilt Market is to attend the early morning classes. This year my mother & I really loved both of our classes and came away so inspired. My last class at Market was taught by the truly fabulous Bigfork Bay Cotton Company. They specialize in fusible applique quilts and art; they have a fabulous new pattern coming out soon designed by Pat Sloan (it's not up in their shop yet, but be watching for it!)

Our purse block is from Hippie Bird ; I *love* how they added the block to the purse with buttons - you could change the purse theme so easily! In the class the sample was free motion quilted at the end. You know I love free motion, I do, but lately I've been really loving adding quilting by hand. I embellished this bird like crazy with Aurifil wool thread. Wow, I love that thread - it is like butter! And BBCC sells the thread to complement their patterns and fabric kits - it's that cool?

I'm working with BBCC right now on creating a truly amazing quilting retreat at Sundance in Utah. The details are still being ironed out, but I will let you know as soon as it is set! I'm soo excited!!

Even if you have been quilting for awhile, I recommend taking classes from different artists. I always learn something new and it renews my desire to create. After taking BBCC's class I learned about applique sheets  - I had never worked with one before! I also fell in love with using sealing irons for my fusible work. These two tools have now taken up residence in my studio.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Wrapup

I hope all of you are enjoying these summer weekends. Our days are usually quite full, but I really love the lazy moments that pop up. I work just about every Saturday at the library, but I try to spend the rest of time enjoying my family and making gifts for those I love. These past months have been so heavy with work that I haven't had time to make much for the girls. I was very excited that today I was able to create so much with and for them.

Kiddo and I made a bird feeder while Baby napped. It's a fun kit from Joann's for about $5, and it gives you just about everything you need to make 2 feeders. All you have to add is some recycled 2 liter bottles and about 30 minutes of fun!

And then we made another quick and fun craft, a no-sew "Brave" fleece blanket. I normally would not consider buying this, I *LOVE* to sew. However when we saw it at the store, Kiddo just about wet her pants in excitement.

This smile just about says it all..
Of all the quilts and blankets I've made her in the past 4 years, this one seems to have made the biggest impression. Oh, well.. I'm happy to see her that happy. And I heard from a friend that Merida, the "Brave" princess, is now at Disneyland for meet & greets - Kiddo is just a wee excited about that as well..

And lastly I've finally finished this chenille baby blanket. I started it when Kiddo was a baby - seriously! It was such a fun class that I took with my mom, but just never had the time to complete. Faux chenille is popping up all over the blog world and it renewed my interest to get this done. Since Kiddo was just gifted the Disney blanket, I decided that this would be regifted to Julie.

It is super duper soft! They love stroking all the layers of chenille and played with it for a good portion of the afternoon.

If you are interested in learning how to make one, there are excellent tutorials at Dana Made It  and Aesthetic Nest. The only difference with mine is the binding. My instructor recommending using a flannel strip with the raw edges showing - it only adds to that nice fluffy texture of the blanket.
Love, love, love it and can't believe it's take me so long to finish it. I will be making more of these for sure - great way to use up my stash of flannel!

One last parting picture..
Today they were all about the boy cut shorts sans shirts.. And back at the pool of course!
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Friday, June 1, 2012

Home is Where My Heart Soars

This is my third year participating in The Alliance For American Quilt's yearly quilt project. Each year the AAQ picks a theme for the project. The quilts are auctioned off later in the year to raise funds and the first prize quilt artist wins a Handi Quilter. Amazing, right? Each year I look forward to this challenge as I really try to push my personal limits.

Last year one of my quilts was dedicated to the loss of a pregnancy I experienced between having my two daughters.

This was one of my first art quilts that I really shared myself and put my heart into. I also bought this at the auction later that year and have it in my studio; it was much to personal for me to permanently share.

My inspiration last year was a personal loss, my inspiration this year was the birth of my first daughter. As many of you know, my amazing Kiddo was born with symbrachydactyly. To be perfectly honest, four years after her birth this condition has little to no impact on our lives. She is beyond beautiful, smarter than the average four year old, and has a determination that rivals her mother. I don't worry too much about her. However, when you become a mother, you have decided that a piece of your heart will forever walk outside your body. And when you become a mother to a child that the world will deem "different", in many ways you become a mother to all children that are "different". Even though Kiddo's difference hasn't yet altered her life, my heart reaches out to all children that will blaze a more difficult path.

As a parent we often want to share our personal interests that we love with our children in the hopes that they will have interest in it too. Kiddo is already fascinated with art, quilts, and working with her hands. I've wondered what would I have done if she had been born in such a way that sharing these interests would have felt impossible. I hope that I would have reached beyond myself and made it possible.

This year my quilt is dedicated to all those young lovers of art and quilts that do not have sight. Each room of the house is adorned with a braille label created with french knots. There is a physical clay piece embedded in each room in a trapunto style with more hand embroidery to make the texture obvious. Each room was fusible appliqued and machine stitched. I embellished each room boundary with more hand embroidery to accent its separation from the others.

I present, "Home is Where My Heart Soars"..

The door that leads to Home..


The Spirit that allows us to fly..

To Create..



The house roof is layered with lace and free motion stitching. Never in a million years could I imagine wrapping a traditional binding on this quilt. I did a very small zig zag on the perimeter. Then I embroidered a back stitch and crocheted a single crochet into each stitch. I wanted the edges to be organic, soft, and yielding.

It's easier to see my free motion quilting from the back of the quilting (and yes, I still have to add my sleeve and label..)

My quilt was a labor of love and I hope that it speaks to you. It really is one that best appreciated in person and with touch.

Did you enter? I would love to see what "home" meant to you.
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