Monday, January 31, 2011

Another Recipe Without a Video

This past week was the final week
for Philadelphia's Cooking Creme Challenge.
And alas, I did not have time to submit.
I figured I entered the first two weeks, so that gives me a decent shot.
I really try to not let my cooking and craft contests
interfere with my family or Etsy work.

But we all gotta eat, right?
So I did come up with a recipe for the final flavor, Santa Fe.
It's not fancy, but it's pretty tasty
and it's quick (about the length of time a baby will happily sit in a swing).

Here is my
We All Gotta Eat - Santa Fe Pasta

*1 Tbsp. EVOO
*8 ounces of spiral pasta
*1 medium white onion, chopped
*1 tsp red pepper
*1 lb. lean ground beef
* 1 tub Philadelphia Cooking Creme - Santa Fe Flavor
* 14.5 oz can of chopped tomatoes

1. Cook pasta according to directions on package
(boil water, drop in, cook, know the drill)

2. While your pasta is cooking, in a large stockpot
heat EVOO over med-high heat.

3.Add onions to the pot, and saute until softened.
(about 5-7 minutes..don't scorch them!)

4. Add ground beef and red pepper to the pot.
Cook until browned.

5. Mix in Cooking Creme and chopped tomatoes.
Cook until heated through.

6. Toss in pasta and mix until well combined.

7. Enjoy!

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Sundance 2011

((My brother-in-law & I at a premiere last night!))

My husband and I have lived in Utah for a few years now.
Our first year here we were kid free and had no interest in Sundance.
Don't get me wrong,
I love indie films.
I prefer indie over all others.
I don't like crowds - I get very nervous.
I don't like traffic - I get very cranky.

The next year I was very pregnant.
See above for all the reasons we didn't go
in addition to feeling like the Goodyear blimp.

The year after that I desperately wanted to go,
but I had a toddler in tow.
I hosted my brother and brother-in-law while they attend.
I make it up to Park City and have a fabulous time
snowboarding with my brother.
No films were seen by me.
I hear all the details and turn a very dark shade
of pea green envy.

The year after that I still have a toddler,
but a sweet mother that watches her for the day.
This is my *first* all day away from Isa day
(yes I'm crazy protective mom)
I make it up to Park City and have a fabulous time
snowboarding with my brother-in-law.
No films were seen by me.
Still pea green.

I saw Sundance with my brother-in-law!!

My first film was Gun Hill Road.
This was written by my brother-in-law's friend.
It was pee your pants awesome.
Rashaad will have a very long and prosperous film career.
And new comer actress, Harmony, is a gem.
Yes, it is a film about a transsexual teen.
But is soo much more.
I watched and cried through the eye's of a mother.
You must do what you can to see this movie.

And I saw a premiere at the Eccles theater.
The premiere of Life in a Day.
There are so many people in the movie that you would love to know more about.
Editing that beast must have been insane.
Loved, loved, loved it.
I even asked a question at the Q&A.

Ah..I'm addicted.
I am storing all my coins away for Sundance 2012.
I've even convinced my hubby that our home
(which is only 45 minutes away)
is too far,
so it is necessary we stay in Park City for a week.

Robert Redford.
You rock.
Indie film makers.
You rock.
Long Live Sundance!

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Hot Coffee, Mississippi

For this week's Project Quilting,
we were tasked to be inspired by a city's name.
It was not supposed to be based on what
you knew of the city (ie. the Eiffel Tower in Paris),
rather the name itself was supposed to invoke an image.
After Googling "funny city names" and blushing over
some poor taste names, I decided on Hot Coffee, Mississippi.

I knew immediately that I wanted to do a quilted collage
of an ode to my favorite brew pub - Starbuck's.
Say what you will about the chain
(in my old home of Queen Creek, AZ there were 3 in a lie!)
there have been many mornings that my sanity
was saved by their candyified coffee.

My quilt is modest - it was another one done in nap.
I was excited to have another excuse to
some free motion embroidery.
Starbuck's, how I do quilt thee..

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Unflappable Miss Isabelle Flapper

I completely forgot about this week's Project Run & Play.
Considering I'm not really "in" it, I guess it wasn't a huge
surprise that it slipped my mind.
The challenge this week was to create an adult inspired outfit.

Given more time than (1) 2 hour nap,
I would have loved to make Isabelle a Coco Chanel suit
in this amazing pink tweed fabric that calls to me from my stash.
Alas, I had little time.
I've never made an outfit without a pattern.
I can design quilts.
I can design all kinds of fabric sewing patterns.
Not clothes.
There is a disconnect in my brain.

Since a majority of women's clothes these days are more risque
than I'd like to put my toddler in, I decided to go vintage.
I created for Isabelle a 1920's flapperish dress.
I can't get her out of it.
In her mind I created an amazing success.
In my mind, this is a great "muslin" and when I have time
I will make her another more refined one.

That is probably the closest I'll come to "Project Runway"
and I did it sweat it out.
Thank goodness Tim Gunn is no where in sight!
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Results for WOW #4 - Details for #5

For a long time I cringed at Valentine's Day.
No someone didn't break my heart..well no, they did.
I lost my maternal grandmother many years ago on Valentine's Day.
It never seemed right to smile on the day
I lost someone I loved so much.

My sweet husband had plotted to propose to me on Valentine's Day
and then I lowered the boom a couple days before his big plan.
So..we got engaged on February 17th.
A random night when I was looking anything but beautiful.

And then I had my first daughter.
And I love to celebrate above and beyond with her.
I started to let go of my pain connected to the day.
In fact I realized that it was bittersweet.
The day is supposed to be about love, not Hallmark love..
but real love.
Now I embrace the day with those I love
without $80 roses or overpriced dinners.
We only exchange cards and gifts priced less than $5.
It keeps it in perspective.
And it is also a day I remember my grandmother.

So for my WOW #4 - a valentine without traditional red or pink,
I choose to do a quilted wall art piece
My girls drive me nuts some days,
but they DO brighten every single day of my life.

We didn't reach 5 entries yet..but I think we are getting close!

I think this would be adorable done up as an embroidery
or printed on a card.
Super cute - love it!!

A perfect piece for the entry way or living room.
Even in non traditional colors,
it still such a romantic piece!

Thank you ladies!
I hope you enter again this week - and invite those crafty friends!!

Challenge #5
This week I challenge you to:
1. Learn a new technique
2. Include letters in the project.

It can be a cookie, a quilt, digital art, a card, etc.
Anything you create with your hands is eligible!

I hope you push yourself and look for some new technique
you've been waiting to try!!
I can't wait to see what you do!

The prize for this coming week is
Love her modern cards!

Please leave your links on this post by Tuesday at midnight (MTN)

Have fun!

Linked up at the Crafty Chica's Crafty Corazon
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Patience For Piecing

I moved from sewing 2 sheets of fabric together and calling it a "quilt"
to real quilting last year.
I soon found about English Paper Piecing.
Here is some info at All People Quilt,
one of my FAV quilting websites ever.

I thought it was utterly relaxing.
I'm not one for hand quilting, I like immediate gratification.
However at the time it was summer and I didn't want to be tied inside the studio.
I could make these sweet pieces on the porch with my husband
or even camping out in the woods (true story!)

And then it got colder and sure enough
my patience was kaput and these sweet promises
of a beautiful quilt were placed in a ziploc and shelved.

Now.. Iron Craft challenged us to make coffee sleeve.
I love coffee sleeves!
They can be sewn, knit, felted, etc.
I was stumped as to how to make one stand out from the rest.
And then I got an AHA moment!
(I love those, don't you?!)

My English Paper Pieces didn't need to die a quick death
because I would never, ever have the patience to make a zillion.
I could use them for a small project.
Like a coffee sleeve...

I laid out my pieces and moved them until I was happy with the design.
I machine zig zagged them together
(Yes, I didn't have the patience to hand sew them..)
I then free motioned them on to a piece of matching pink felt.
Sewed some chocolate brown ribbons..
And tada..

I have cleared out an UFO,
created a pretty unique coffee sleeve,
and made a pretty gift!

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Time Flies

So remember, I was *supposed* to do a video entry
for Philadelphia Cooking Creme last week?
Well.. I did my test run and my Tikka Masala was superb.
I was set to video it this past weekend..and life happened!

One of my best friends from college came to visit.
I haven't seen her in a very long time and she hadn't met Jules yet.
I did make the Tikka Masala again, there were just no videos filmed.

Oh well. We enjoyed and now you can too!
I love Indian food, but sometimes it seems easier to buy it than make it.
Not now.. you can make this in less 15 minutes!!!

Chicken Tikka Masala

* 1 Tbsp. olive oil

* 1 medium white onion, chopped

* 1 Tbsp. minced garlic

* 1 lb. chicken breasts – chopped in to bite size pieces

* ½ cup Tikka Masala Sauce

* 1 tub of Philadelphia Original Cooking Crème

* 14.5oz can of chopped tomatoes

* 15 oz. can of sweet peas


1. Heat 1 Tbsp of olive oil in pan over med heat. Sauté onion and garlic till onion softened, about 5 minutes. Be careful to not burn the garlic.

2. Add chopped chicken, Masala sauce, Cooking Crème, and tomatoes to pan. Mix well.

3. Simmer over medium-low heat uncovered for 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked.

4. Gently add in peas to the pan, cook for another minute.

5. Serve over hot rice and some yummy naan!

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Featured On

Visit thecsiproject.comFeatured At Serenity Now

U Create

They are talking about me at

Bubbly Nature

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